You store your research data when they are “warm” i.e. during collecting, processing and analysis. When the project is finished and you have used your data for your own purpose, the time has come to preserve them for the future by archiving them.
Before you chose how your research data should be stored and later archived, it’s highly recommended that you consider the precautions you need to take for your data. To do this we advise you to read through USN’s guides for classifying and storing information.
The classification guide helps you to decide whether your research data can be shared openly, internally, or if it is confidential or strictly confidental.
The storage guide gives an overview over what kind of storage environment (internal or external) you can use to storage and process your research data, based on the categories listed in the classification guide.
The classification and storage guide for both USN employees and students can be found here
Top three recommended saving and archiving solutions at USN:
Archiving: USN Research Data Archive (USN RDA)
USN Research Data Archive is the institutional research data archive at USN and is provided by Figshare. Researchers at USN are initially awarded 10GB of storage space for your own use; please contact us through the Figshare link if you need more. You can read more about technical possibilities and correlations on how to use the USN Research Data Archive on the information pages.
Processing solution: Services for sensitive data (TSD)
TSD is used to collect, store and analyze sensitive research data in compliance with the Norwegian regulations regarding individuals' privacy. It provides a virtual working space for researchers and is primarily an IT-platform for research, and is used for both clinical and commercial research. TSD is developed and operated by UiO.
Archiving: Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers
The Norwegian Register (former NSD) is one of the largest archives for research data of its kind and provides data to researchers and students in Norway and abroad. Additionally it is a resource centre, which assists researchers regarding data gathering, analysis, and issues of methodology, privacy and research ethics.
Data gathering:
Are you planning on conducting a survey? If so we recommend that you use the "Nettskjema" ("Online Form") service at UiO, which is available to USN employees and students. With Nettskjema you can administer, develop and send your survey, and manage the resulting data in a secure manner.
Logg in to Nettskjema here using your FEIDE-ID and follow the steps.
If you are planning on gathering data via audio or visual recordings we recommend that you use the service "Nettskjema Diktafon" ("Nerttskjema Dictaphone") or "Nettskjema Bilde" (Nettskjema Photoapp") which can be accessed at Nettskjema. Choose "Create new form" and check the box for "From template"; from there you can choose which service to use.
For audio and visual recordings you will need a smartphone or tablet. Applications for these can be downloaded through App Store for Apple or Google Play for Android.
UiOs website offers a complete guide for using Nettskjema. You can also contact us at if you have questions about this or any other data management service. Nettskjema is cleared for handeling green and yellow data. If you are to collect red data as an USN student, you need to use USN Safe.