

USN's journal collections consist of printed and electronic editions, most of which are searchable through Oria. You can find the print copies located in the campus libraries. The electronic versions are available online when signed in as a student or employee, or when using a USN computer on campus.

Browse our available e-journals or search for the journal title in the Oria search box. You can refine your search afterwards by using the links on the right side of the results list. Narrow by selecting resource type Print journals or E-journals. USN Library searches the USN library collections. Norwegian Academic Libraries search all the other higher education institutions' collections of Norway.

Print journals

In Oria, select Print journals from the search results. Available at University of South-Eastern Norway shows the campuses holding the journal and the number of available volumes.


Browse our available e-journals or search for a particular journal title by selecting Journals from the search results. Select Fulltext available for link to the database containing the journal.

If you can't find the journal

If the library does not have access to a journal, you can still order the articles you need. The library subscribes to online journals either directly or through a database subscription. Some publishers have added time-locks to their releases that may span from anywhere between a month and several years. Sometimes a single item or article may be withdrawn from publication. This is determined by the publisher.






Hvordan finne ut om tidsskriftet er vitenskapelig?
Når du har funnet en relevant artikkel kan det være lurt å finne ut om tidsskriftet den er publisert i er faglig anerkjent. Dette kan du sjekke ved å søke i Norsk samfunnsvitenskapelige datatjeneste. Nasjonalbibliotekets database for norske og nordiske tidsskriftartikler (NORART) har laget en oversikt over nordiske vitenskapelige tidsskrifter.

Om du ikke finner det her, søk opp hjemmesiden til tidsskriftet via Google.



Is the journal scientific?

This may be determined by checking with The Register for Scientific Journals. Norway's National Library database NORART also provides an overview of Nordic scientific journals.

See overview of Norwegian and international e-journals