Loan policy of the University Library

Student in the library

The library is a service for students and employees at University of South-Eastern Norway (USN).

Library card

  • Students can use their student ID card as a library card.
  • Employees can use their employee card or their national library card.


  • You have to make sure that the library always has your correct contact information. This includes your home address as well as your phone number and e-mail address.
  • Part-time and distance learning students who do not live near a USN campus can arrange with their campus library to have items shipped. The University Library sends books within the Nordic countries only. The returning of books is at the patron's own expense and must be executed immediately after the book has been recalled.
  • You are responsible for any items you borrow, and you need to return the items when they are due. Loss and damages must be reported to the library.
  • Violation of the loan policy results in loss of loan rights.

Loan periods

  • Lending time is normally 3 weeks. The library offers overnight loans of textbooks. Loans are automatically renewed if the material has not been reserved for others. Students have their loans renewed for a maximum period of 6 months, employees for a maximum period of 1 year.

Return items?

  • Use the self-service machines or our return boxes.
  • If you can't visit your campus, you may also return loans at one of our other campus libraries.
  • Return items by mail or contact the nearest college-, university- or public library. These will usually assist in forwarding books you have borrowed from us. Please note! Loans are registered as returned only once the items have arrived at USN.

Reminders and fees

  • Reminders and claims are sent by e-mail only. The borrower will be charged a claim for compensation of minimum 750 NOK per item that has not been returned within the deadline. Contact your library if a book has been lost or destroyed. If this occurs, you can buy a replacement copy and deliver it to the library rather than pay the fine.
  • A borrower has no loan rights at the library before an item has been returned or replaced.
  • A replacement copy or a paid claim will not be returned/refunded if the book is found at a later date.

External patrons

  • Non-USN affiliates can get a library card upon providing a valid ID. Students from other educational institutions can use their student card to borrow items. Others can borrow from most of the library's collections and use our collections on-site. External patrons and businesses may enter into agreements for the purchase of library services.
  • Arrangements for businesses to purchase library services can be made.