Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers: The ITAR register

The register of authorised publishing channels, also called the ITAR register (import service and authorisation register), contains an overview of the academic publishing channels and their levels. Publishing in academic channels is rewarded by government funding support.

Search the ITAR register to find approved academic journals, series and publishers.

The publishing channels are devided into 2 levels:

Level 2

  • Channels with the highest international prestige
  • Suggestions for new level 2 channels must be sent in a year and a half prior to the year the change is to be considered for validation.
  • The level remains the same throughout the reporting year

Level 1

  • Ordinary academic publishing channels
  • Suggestions for new level 1 channels must be sent in by 30th November the current report year.
  • The level can change during the reporting year


  • Channels judged as non-academic (will not generate funding support for the institution)
  • New proposed publishing channels under evaluation.

Be aware that the level for a publishing channel can change from one year to the next.


Search publishing channels using The Norwegian Register

How to suggest new channels for publishing