Registration in Cristin - submission of full-text document
- Log in to Cristin
- Register your article or find previous registrations
- Find the lastest version of the manuscript after peer review and make a PDF version of the file.
- When you have retrieved a previous registration to edit, or just made a new registration, the bottom section of your screen will look like this:
- Click on "Deliver full-text document" to move on.
- The next page will look like this:
- Choose the type of version that corresponds with your document and click "Continue"
- Retrieve the full-text document file from the server, your hard drive etc.
- The library receives the
uploaded file and checks the file up against the publisher's policy.
The library checks for embargo and registers this in USN Open Archive.
All articles that fulfill the publisher's requirements will be made available in USN Open Archive by the library
More about why Open Access is important for you as a researcher can be found here.
More information about self-archiving/parallel publishing can be found here.
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Ask your Cristin contact.